Former Speaker of the House of Representatives and Hawker family member the Hon. David Hawker AO presented four new Charles Hawker Scholars with their scholarship certificates this morning at a ceremony held at St Mark’s College in Adelaide.
The four new scholars are studying Science, Philosophy, Pure Mathematics, History, Agribusiness, Development Studies and Law. The 2017 scholars have studied in Booleroo Centre (SA), Albury (NSW), Armadale (VIC) and Bathurst (NSW). Forty friends and family, college representatives, current scholars and Trustees of the C.A.S. Hawker Scholarship attended the function at St Mark’s College.
The four 2017 Charles Hawker Scholarship recipients are:
Ms. Olivia BROWN was educated at Lauriston Girls’ School (VIC) and she commenced her studies at ANU (ACT) in 2016. Olivia (Ollie) is residing at Burgmann College and is enrolled in the Bachelor of Philosophy (Science) (Hons) degree course majoring in Theoretical Physics and Pure Mathematics at the Australian National University.
Mr. MacKinlay COOKSON from Borambola (NSW) was educated at Trinity Anglican College Albury (NSW), Melbourne Grammar School (VIC), Monash University (VIC) and Marcus Oldham College (VIC). MacKinlay is enrolled and is in residence at Marcus Oldham College where he is completing a Bachelor of Business (Agribusiness) degree in 2017.
Ms. Ella GRAHAM from Melrose (SA) was educated at the Booleroo Centre District School (SA). Ella is the first Booleroo Centre student to be awarded a C.A.S. Hawker Scholarship. Ella is in residence at St Mark’s College and is enrolled at the University of Adelaide. She is studying a double degree of Law and Development Studies.
Mr. Daniel McKAY from Bathurst (NSW) was educated at The Scots School Bathurst and the Australian National University (ACT). Daniel has already completed Bachelor of Arts (Hons) and Bachelor of Laws (Hons) degrees at ANU. Daniel will commence his twelve-month postgraduate MPhil in World History at the University of Cambridge (UK) later this year.
Mrs. Lilias Needham established the Charles Hawker Scholarship in memory of her brother Charles Allan Seymour Hawker. Today each of these residential scholarships is valued at up to $50,000 over three years. It is one of the most generous privately funded scholarships available to undergraduate and postgraduate students in Australia.
Since 1990, the Trustees have awarded more than $5 million dollars to 118 young Australians, including a significant number from regional areas. The four successful candidates for 2017 were awarded Hawker Scholarships from a strong field of 184 applicants.
“I congratulate the four 2017 scholars, each of whom has already displayed a strong commitment to the splendid ideals upon which the Charles Hawker Scholarship Memorial Trust Fund is founded. They are gifted scholars with inquiring minds and have already significantly contributed to the well being of the wider community,” the Hon David Hawker AO said.
There are a number of scholarships awarded each year. The Trustees offer them to capable students of principle and character, who are committed to Australia’s future. The Charles Hawker Scholarship perpetuates the memory and commemorates the achievements of one of Australia’s most respected pastoral pioneers. Born on May 16th 1894 at Bungaree homestead near Clare in South Australia, Charles Hawker was educated at Geelong Church of England Grammar School and Trinity College, Cambridge. Student, soldier, pastoralist and statesman Charles Allan Seymour Hawker died in the Kyeema air disaster on October 25th, 1938.
Undergraduate and postgraduate Hawker Scholars are able to attend a range of educational institutions. These include the Australian National, Adelaide, Flinders, South Australia and New England Universities and Marcus Oldham College. Postgraduate Charles Hawker Scholars are also able to follow in Charles Hawker’s footsteps by studying at the University of Cambridge UK.
“Charles Hawker had a lasting impact on Australian politics and all members of the federal house had an enormous respect for him during his time as Australia’s first Minister for Commerce in the Lyons government in the 1930s.
“He was a great Australian who offered his best through his commitment to his country, countrymen and women and democracy; these are values I hope the 2017 scholarship winners take with them into their studies. Through his example and these scholarships it is my hope that public service will be included in the career options for a number of the 2017 recipients.
“C.A.S. Hawker was a truly remarkable man and a great Australian. This scholarship is a fitting tribute to his memory and each of these four scholars is a much deserved recipient,” the Hon. David Hawker AO said.
Selection is based on personal qualities as well as academic ability. Applications for the 2018 Charles Hawker Scholarships open on December 4th 2017 and close on January 5th 2018. An application form and further information is available at or by contacting the secretary to the Trustees on 08 8127 1654.
More Information:
Cesare Silvestri
Secretary to the Trustees
C.A.S. Hawker Scholarship
08 8127 1654